As a company leveraging HCL Domino software, you understand the importance of expert HCL Domino Services maintaining a robust, efficient, and secure IT environment. To maximise the potential of your HCL Domino investment, partnering with an expert IT services provider is crucial. Here’s how our comprehensive range of services can support and enhance your HCL Domino environment.

HCL Domino Services: HCL Domino Services: Installation and Configuration

Customised Deployment:

Ensure your HCL Domino is set up for success with our end-to-end installation services. Our experts tailor the deployment to align with your business needs, ensuring a smooth and efficient setup.

Optimal Configuration:

We handle the configuration of HCL Domino servers and clients, optimising for peak performance, reliability, and security. From mail servers to directory services, our team ensures everything runs seamlessly.

HCL Domino Services: Migration Services

Smooth Platform Migration:

Transitioning to HCL Domino from another platform? Our team guarantees a seamless migration with minimal downtime, ensuring data integrity and business continuity.

Effortless Version Upgrades:

Stay current with the latest features and security updates. We manage the upgrade process meticulously to avoid disruptions and enhance your system’s capabilities.

HCL Domino Services: Application Development and Modernisation

Custom Applications:

Unlock the full potential of HCL Domino with custom applications designed to meet your unique business requirements. Our developers create solutions that streamline processes and enhance productivity.

Legacy Modernisation: Bring your older Domino applications up to date with modern web technologies and improved functionality. Our modernisation services ensure your applications remain relevant and efficient.

HCL Domino Services: Support and Maintenance

24/7 Technical Support:

Experience peace of mind with our round-the-clock technical support. Our dedicated team resolves issues swiftly, minimising downtime and maintaining business operations.

Proactive Monitoring:

Continuous monitoring of your HCL Domino environment allows us to detect and address issues before they impact your business, ensuring uninterrupted performance.

Regular Maintenance:

Scheduled maintenance activities, including performance tuning, patch management, and system health checks, keep your HCL Domino environment running smoothly.

HCL Domino Services: Security Services

Comprehensive Security Audits:

Protect your business with thorough security assessments. We identify vulnerabilities and ensure compliance with industry standards.

Data Protection:

Safeguard your data with robust protection measures, including encryption, secure backups, and disaster recovery planning.

Access Management:

Manage secure user access, roles, and permissions to protect sensitive information and maintain data integrity.

HCL Domino Services: Integration Services

Seamless Integrations:

Integrate HCL Domino with other enterprise applications and systems, such as CRM, ERP, and collaboration tools, to streamline workflows and enhance productivity.

API Development:

Extend the functionality of HCL Domino with custom APIs, facilitating seamless data exchange with other systems.

HCL Domino Services: Training and Documentation

User Training:

Equip your team with the knowledge to use and manage HCL Domino effectively through our comprehensive training programmes.

Detailed Documentation:

Maintain a clear understanding of your HCL Domino environment with detailed documentation, covering configurations, customisations, and procedures.

HCL Domino Services: Consulting Services

Strategic Planning:

Develop a strategic roadmap for your HCL Domino environment with our expert consulting, aligning IT with your business goals.

Performance Optimisation:

Enhance the performance and efficiency of your HCL Domino applications and infrastructure with our in-depth optimisation services.

Compliance Consulting:

Ensure your HCL Domino environment meets industry and regulatory compliance standards with our specialised consulting services.


Partnering with us means gaining access to a team of HCL Domino experts dedicated to maximising the value of your software investment. From installation and migration to custom development, support, and security, our comprehensive services are designed to meet your business needs and drive success.

Reach out to us today to learn how we can enhance your HCL Domino environment and help your organisation achieve its IT objectives.